July 15, 2020

Impact Of COVID-19 On Real Estate Prices Trend

We know businesses around the world faced a hard hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The real estate market was…

June 30, 2020

How COVID-19 Has Affected The Foreclosure And Short Sales Market

COVID-19; A horrifying pandemic crisis that the world is facing right now. As the situation is affecting many sectors around…

April 26, 2020

Facing Foreclosure? Panicking Won’t Do Any Good!

Are you facing foreclosure notice for your home? Well, panicking will never save your home from being in foreclosure. So,…

April 17, 2020

7 Tips On How To Sell An Unsellable House

If your house isn’t selling, it can be a big problem and a matter of extreme stress to homeowners. If…

February 24, 2020

Options To Look Out When Tenants Destroy The Property

Your house is an asset that is near to your heart, we comprehend the amount of damage that tenants may…

February 5, 2020

How Do I Sell My House Fast After Job Loss?

Losing your job is a very tense and stressful situation after which selling your house becomes the only feasible option.…

January 16, 2020

Avoid These 7 Home Selling Mistake For A Profitable Sale

Selling a home is an arduous task, it requires a lot of time, effort, and money. As easy as it…

December 31, 2019

Can you sell House With Termite Damage In New York?

Termites can do dangerous damage to your home if gone unnoticed. If you are on the verge of selling your…

December 10, 2019

Know, How To Avoid Probate Process

What is Probate? Probate is a judicial process where a will is in review and proven to the court. The…